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Industry news                                                                           PLASTIC PIPES 2024

          SIBUR TO BUILD HEXENE                                                            Tatar-inform News Agency



             ublic hearings were held in Nizh-  production of high and low density poly-  a  closed  flare  system  that  minimi es
         P nekamsk on the construction of   ethylene and is an essential component   emissions  from  the  flare  into  the  atmo-
          hexene production at the site of Nizhne-   in the production of special grades of this   sphere. A closed water circulation cycle
          kamskneftekhim, SIBUR's Nizhnekamsk   polymer.  Its  use  allows  to  significantly   is being designed, which, as the company
          enterprise.                       expand the range of consumer properties   assures, will eliminate the impact on the
            Representatives of local governments,   of polyethylene in comparison with ba-  environment.
          managers of Nizhnekamskneftekhim,   sic grades and obtain a premium quality   The new production at Nizhnekam-
          representatives of the design institute,   product. In Russia there are no produc-  skneftekhim will be integrated into the
          and public associations of Nizhnekamsk   tion facilities similar to the new SIBUR   ethylene consumption chain, using eth-
          took part in the discussions. As a result,   project. Currently, hexene for the com-  ylene as raw material from the EP-600
          public hearings on project documentation   pany’s polymer production is supplied   complex under construction. The launch
          and Environmental Impact Assessment   from abroad.                   of the project will strengthen technologi-
          materials for the construction of hexene   Advanced licensed solutions and the   cal independence in the polymer produc-
          production were recognized as valid.  best available technologies have been   tion cycle.
            The construction of a hexene plant   selected for the production processes,   The launch of production will provide
          based on the company’s own technol-  which will significantly reduce the envi-  the company’s own needs with a new
          ogy is planned at the Nizhnekamsknefte-   ronmental impact during the production   product, taking  into  account both cur-
          khim site. For this purpose, a decommis-  operation. The adopted design decisions   rent and future projects, as well as the
          sioned ethylene oxide unit has already   and the equipment used will ensure reli-  needs of partners in Russia and other
          been dismantled at the oligomers and   ability, trouble-free and safe operation of   countries. The production is planned to
          glycols  plant. Now it is  planned to  build   the new installation. The project provides   be put into operation in 2024.
          a new, modern, environmentally friendly
          production facility on this site. After the
          public hearings, it is planned to obtain
          permits from regulatory authorities, com-
          plete the preparation of design and work-
          ing documentation, and then move on to
          the active phase of construction.
            Target capacity of the project is
          50,000 tons of product per year. The EP
          contractor for the project is NIPIGAZ,
          which develops design and working
          documentation and manages supplies
          for the project.
            The development of its own technolo-
          gy for the production of hexene has been
          carried out over the past few years by
          SIBUR’s R&D centers – NIOST and
          Polylab.  Piloting  on  laboratory  equip-
          ment was successful.
            Hexene  is  an intermediate  for the
          production of base polymers and other
          petrochemical products. It is used in the

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