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PLASTIC PIPES                                           Without major shocks
          Industry information and analytical digest
          Publisher:                                If we try to describe the past 2023 for the plastic pipe industry in one
          Publishing house PLASTIC Ltd.             phrase, we could say: “ ithout ma or shocks.” In a difficult  environ-

          Miron Gorilovskiy                         ment – tightening sanctions, weakening national currency, aggra-
          Deputy Editor-in-Chief:                   vation of external and internal problems – the plastic pipe market
          Alexander Sazonov                         continued its progressive growth. Contrary to expectations, it did not
          Project Manager:                          slump in the second half of the year: the ongoing implementation of
          Mikhail Burenko                           national projects, programs of the Territorial Development Fund and
          Layout & Design:                          major infrastructure projects ensured a stable demand for plastic pipe
          Kseniya Melnikova                         products, the industry did not experience a shortage of raw materials
          Production Editor:                        (thanks to the efforts of Russian petrochemical companies), and sup-
          Alexander Sazonov                         pliers of fittings, components and equipment adapted to the current

          Editorial Board:                          conditions, adjusted supply channels and somehow provided con-
          Julia Korenko, Ekaterina Krivosheina,
          Peter Titov, Kirill Trusov, Elena Zaitseva  struction sites with everything necessary.
          Translation:                                The  market  has  grown  not  only  quantitatively  but  also  qualita-
          Leyla Gulueva, Natalia Kurikova, Irina Tropina  tively. The adoption of a number of new standards and regulations
                                                    has significantly expanded the opportunities for using of innova-
                                                    tive pipe products, the competencies of designers have noticeably
          Address:                                  increased, and they increasingly and willingly incorporate these
          18, Ochakovskoye Shosse,
          Moscow 119530 Russia                      products into their projects. Customers increasingly prefer innova-
          Tel. +7 (495) 745 6857 ext. 4086          tive multilayer pipes and advanced technologies for the construction
          E-mail:  and repair of pipelines.
          Circulation: 2000                           But the problems have not gone away, and they should not be un-
                                                    derestimated. Pressure on the Russian economy remains high, and
                                                    demand for pipes will only persist as long  as planned  funding  for
          Lev Gorilovskiy                           infrastructure projects is maintained. Loans have almost doubled in
          Chairman of the Committee for Municipal   cost, and this will affect manufacturers' opportunities to expand and
          Infrastructure and Housing and Utilities   update production. Moreover, counterfeit manufacturers should not be
          of the Business Russia All-Russia
          Public Organisation                       ignored – against the backdrop of increased demand for pipe prod-
                                                    ucts, they have become noticeably more active.
          Miron Gorilovskiy                           Nevertheless, the market continues to grow, and looks set to con-
          Chairman of the Board of POLYPLASTIC Group
                                                    tinue at least until the middle of next year, 2024. The projected weak-
          Vladislav Kovriga                         ening of the ruble provides a chance to increase budget revenues and,
          Director of R&D Department of Zavod

          AND Gaztrubplast                          consequently,  to  continue  financing  programs  for  moderni ing  mu-
                                                    nicipal infrastructure in the longer term. All this gives us grounds for
          Mikhail Katsevman                         cautious optimism.
          Chairman of the Council of the Russian
          Association of Plastic Processors
                                                      Miron Gorilovskiy,
          Yury Meshengisser                           Editor-in-chief
          Chairman of the Board of Ecopolymer Group
          Sergey Shalyapin
          Deputy Chairman of the Rosstandart
          Technical Committee 241
          Vladislav Tkachenko
          General Director of the Pipeline Systems
          Manufacturers Association

          All right reserved. No part of this
          publication may be reproduced without
          written permission of the publisher.
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          for the content provided.
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